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This week, VYNEX attended its first digital trade show, the coronavirus restrictions meaning this was the only way of staging the event.
As many others have done, the distributors we work with were able to handle the digital transition, putting their event online. The online platform set up to allow virtual visitors to attend the trade show featured a ROCKET stand, where distributors were able to arrange meetings, check out our offers and catalogues, visit our website and even put in orders.
We would like to thank our distributors for staging their trade show despite the restrictions.
The same thing will happen for the next few trade shows: TOUT FAIRE, COFAQ, DOMPRO, GEDIMAT.
While virtual trade shows might be ideal in some sectors, such as communications, it is harder to imagine this being a long-term solution in a sector like ours. It is important to be able to touch products in order to discover their features and find out how they are used. A virtual trade show is a good alternative to the real thing given the circumstances we currently find ourselves in, but it should not signal the end of traditional trade shows. There is also the human factor to take into consideration. Trade shows provide opportunities to meet clients and potential clients in a different environment and in a setting that tends to be conducive to bringing people together.
Moving forward, the key will be to find a balance between the two.